Private Cove in Punta Cana

I just got back from a vacation in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. My girlfriend and I went there for New Years Eve. We stayed at a brand new resort called Chic and it was an overall great experience. After the new year we heard from the other travelers that there was a cove within walking distance of the resort. Being that my girl and I are both into a little adventure, we knew we had to check it out.

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So, we traveled out to see what we could find. We took a sharp right at the beach and walked through lots of garbage and seaweed. It was pretty dirty out there and we were starting to think we were not going to find it. After over 10 minutes of walking on sharp rock rocks in flip flops we came to the cove! There were rocks there to absorb the energy from the waves and that made the water pretty calm and beautiful. There were rocks pretty close to the water so we didn’t get in to swim but walked around and explored the area. It was great to be on a beach alone for a while.

Also, RIP my old Canon ELF that took this video. It was sadly left in my pocket in the resort pool later in the stay. 🙁

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