Derby – Photo 52 Project [Week 10]

I have been cutting these deadlines too close. I took this picture on Monday night and I am posting it Wednesday. Mari Ann is the head NSO (non-skating official) for the Springfield roller derby teams. She was out NSOing and invited Jesse and I to come out. I had not done any photography in the past week and needed a subject. The weather had been poor and that took away my fallback of a sunset or astral body.

I have seen a lot of women’s roller derby but this was the first time I saw the new men’s league. While they are less attractive to look at, they do hit harder and that is always entertaining. I have to admit that I made a noob mistake while I was packing up and left Jesse’s flash at the rink. Luckily, someone found it and I will be able to get in on Monday.

Dad – Photo 52 Project [Week 8]

I was changing a part in my car and my Dad was nice enough to help out and let me use his garage. There are little bits of dried oil all over my engine and while we were jiggling a part loose, Dad had a lot of the muck fall on him. I took a couple pictures of him before he cleaned up for lunch and didn’t really think I would be able to use them.

So, Monday night rolls around and midnight is my deadline for having a picture taken. I have until Friday to publish according to the rules I first posted when I started this project. It was around 10pm before I had realized that I was about to miss my deadline so I went around the house looking for anything to shoot. I was desperate. Nothing quite looked acceptable until I went back to the picture if Dad.

I didn’t have much time to shoot this as he was itching to hop in the shower. I grabbed the gear, held the flash up and to the left and that left me with this week’s photo.

Pinball – Photo 52 Project [Week 7]

This week has been going pretty shitty and so I didn’t want to go out anywhere. I am not happy with work, and I tried to change the oil in my Lincoln LS only to drain my transmission fluid by accident then over fill my oil. A half dozen trips out to get more supplies later and I am just going to have to get it towed to a transmission shop where some guy who never finished high school and makes more money than me can fix my mistake. I have not been able to depend on people lately and have been living by the motto that anytime you have someone else do something for you they will screw it up. Well, as it turns out, I can do quite a bit of screwing up all by myself apparently. That’s what I get for wanting to save a little money. The pisser about it is that I don’t even get to drive that car. I own it but it essentially belongs to my girlfriend who uses it both to get to work and as a mobile trashcan.

Earlier, I had taken my Boxster S into the Porsche dealer to get it serviced and I complained about white smoke billowing out of my car on start up. They said, “Oh, they just do that.” Are you fucking kidding me? 10 minutes on Google and I found this article. I had the problem diagnosed in 15 minutes and ordered the parts I needed. The dealer charged me over $1700 for the stuff they did decide they wanted to work on. This is what my car is doing:

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Anyway, I own a pinball machine and I took a picture of it this week.