Red Door – Photo 52 Project [Week 2]

This week I decided to go for a trek in downtown Springfield, IL on Saturday afternoon. We were due for a cold front later in the day so I figured I had better get to it! I originally intended to get my passport then stop by the Hilton, Springfield’s only skyscraper, to go to the 30th floor to get my ears to pop. My right ear has been ringing for about a week now and it is starting to get to me and I thought maybe it just needed to pop. I went up and it helped until I came back down. Oh well, I had some camera gear with me so I decided to get some images.

At first I took a few perspective shots of the Hilton with bracketing for HDR. I didn’t have a tripod so the HDR didn’t come out. I was hoping that maybe the software would correct for no tripod but not what I was using. I got a decent single capture though and was pretty happy with that.

Being a relatively nice January day in the 50s or so I decided to venture out a bit farther. Just down the street I was waiting for a WALK signal and noticed a peculiar door on a Church. It was round, bright red, and beautiful. I zoomed in from across the street, dead center.

I later looked up the location and found that this door belongs to the First Presbyterian Church of Springfield. The door seems to be a focal point of the church as it is even incorporated into their website logo. I would like to see and photograph the inside some day as they apparently have some beautiful Tiffany glass.