Hot Coffee – Photo 52 Project [Week 1]

Let’s start the year off right with a nice hot cup of coffee on this cold winter day; brewed properly with our Bunn MCU I might add. I used my brother’s Canon 7D with the kit lens. It was very bright outside and that made for descent light conditions. I had to adjust the angle of the camera to accommodate for the steam. I needed to set it against the fence to give it some contrast and allow it to show up at all. Mari Ann helped me by pouring the milk in while I shot several photos. As luck would have it, some milk splashed just at the right moment. I like how the milk is a little blurry to give the photo a little more movement. I didn’t mean for this, and at 1/250 shutter I didn’t expect it either.

I have a long year and plenty of photos ahead of me. Don’t expect the rest to be posted within the first 24 hours. In fact, it might be better to expect a lot of down to the wire postings.  Technically, since I posted this one so soon, my next deadline is not until Friday, January 18th. I will have to shoot before then though by the end of the 14th.   I am keeping a list of ideas and have about a dozen already. Please comment with any suggestions.