My brother and I have been working on this helmet for a while now and this is the more “production” version. I have yet to actually wear this out in public but I theoretically could for quite a while because the battery life is about 12 hours now! We also created a ground up LED driver board. Honestly, I am not really in the typey typey mood so just watch the video. I explain it all there. K thanks bye.
Shrinking the electronics on Daft Helmet
My brother decided that the original Rabbit board we were using was not purpose based enough for the project so now we are re-making it. This new board should use less battery and will be smaller than the original design. My soldering worked! We powered on this little guy and Jesse started programming it. Once we are done, the whole thing will be inside the helmet with no external controls or battery pack to hide in my pocket. I will post the completed project once it is done.