Torch – Photo 52 Project [Week 33]

Oh, Pinterest. Pinterest. Pinterest. Pinterest. Pinterest and my girlfriend are to thank for this weeks picture and project. It started when I saw that we had an empty bottle of Knob Creek Bourbon. I saved the bottle a while back and today I decided to do something with it but needed ideas. Mari Ann went right to Pinterest like a prospector to gold and found we could turn it into either a light or a torch. The light involved wiring and cutting glass so I opted for the torch. Also, it would only cost me $3 so it was nice and cheap.

All you need for this simple project is:

Wash and remove any labels or plastic from the liquor bottle so you are left with just glass. The opening on a standard bottle should be about 1/2″ in diameter. Freeze the coupling to shrink it just a bit and then immediately fit it about half way into the opening of the bottle. Heating the glass opening will help the copper to expand faster when it touches the glass. It should just hold itself in with friction. You should not have to force the copper coupler in. Use the copper cap to snuff out the flames. A bonus addition would be to drill a hold near the bottom of the cap and tie a little bit of twine to it an the neck of the bottle to keep the parts together and enhance the look.

With this project, I heated the glass opening with my gas grill and I ended up cracking the opposite side a little so I need to heat it less and not bang it on my grill grates next time. If you want the copper to have an aged look like in the picture, throw it on a grill on high heat for a few minutes.

If you noticed, the picture is of a Disaronno bottle and not Knob Creek. After noticing that the coupler would not quite fit in the opening I thought, “I’ll heat it up and that way it will be soft and I can gingerly hammer it in.” I got the coupler really hot on on my grill (I know I need to get a torch) and started to put it in. At first it worked ok but the fit was tight. I kept seating it farther down until the side cracked and my project was spoiled. Not wanting to come up empty handed, I played musical booze and emptied our last shot of tequila into my belly and the last half of the bottle of Disaronno into the tequila bottle. Now, our liquor cabinet is booby trapped with almond flavored “tequila.”

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