Me Too – Photo 52 Project [Week 51]

I wanted to play with lighting a little. I setup a work light on my pinball machine, and stood beside it. Unfortunately, I seem to have lost Jesse’s tripod. So, I thought, “I’ll just set this awkwardly shaped camera atop a chair back. What could possibly go wrong?” Well, the camera could fall off and the 50mm prime lens could stop focusing, rendering it useless. I know that could happen because it did.

This is one of the last photos taken before that lens fell to its death. I think the lighting and composition are good but I am not a fan of the subject. The photo was just before the MCS Christmas party so I was all dressed up. This was the first shot I took and I was not intentionally trying to look forlorn. I just stood where I would be in focus and looked down. I was not really posing at all. I assumed that the first shot would have a lot of technical issues and would never be used. A couple of shots later, the lens had taken its leap and I was done for the night.

Tags – Photo 52 Project [Week 50]

Chicago…working…found this thing…blah blah blah.

This was right outside of the “W” Lakeshore hotel in Chicago. The design of a chic downtown hotel is very different than anything else I can think of. They invest huge amounts of money in decorations that anywhere else would look tacky. I think that a hotel can get away with an endless display of purple tags on their building because a hotel is just temporary. You are in and out in a few days and that is not enough time to get sick of outlandish useless crap everywhere. Instead, all of that crap is new, different, exciting, and intriguing.

Deep Dish – Photo 52 Project [Week 49]

After two days of hard work in the city of broad shoulders, Jesse and I could use a pizza recharge. On Friday and Saturday we were working late at a client site so we had Sunday to enjoy the city. Gino’s East has always been our Chicago pizza establishment of choice. They let you write on the walls with markers and sometimes they even have white out bottles for you. My gamer handle is buried on one of these walls from a few years back.

Our customer has a lot of work for us and I will be returning within a week. Hopefully I will be well enough. Mari Ann is upstairs now, sick with a stomach bug. She was visiting her parents while playing with the day care kids. Slowly but surely, the kids, then her Dad, then her Mom started the trow up. I thought maybe she missed it until I got a text from her at class that she was not feeling well. I hope she gets better soon.