Chicago – Photo 52 Project [Week 15]

Jesse, Mari Ann, and I went to Chicago for the weekend. This was the view from the hotel and I think I got this just during magic hour where it is not quite day or night yet. I love that time of day because it just slips through your fingers and turns into night just before you realize.

We ate great food, saw a show at the IO Theater in Wrigleyville, and viewed original works of art at the Art Institute of Chicago. I have to say the Art Institute left a big impression on me. Seeing original Van Gogh paintings was amazing. Seeing the depth of the brush strokes, size, and the true colors a famous painting let me appreciate art more than I was expecting. Seeing something on a page or screen gives you easy access, but there is usually more to be felt with an original work.

Camera – Photo 52 Project [Week 14]

I started out this project thinking I would be using this old 35mm film camera from the 70s since it was all I had access to. Thankfully, my brother has been very generous with his Canon 7d. The pattern on the strap gets me every time. I swear they were standard issue to every long haired college student in America from 1972-1978. My Dad’s Canon TLb, was the camera I learned the basics of photography on. The only thing on the camera that is powered is the light meter. You have to manually adjust focus, aperture, shutter speed, and if you don’t have the ideal ISO for what you are shooting, then you are just shit outta luck until you finish the roll. Even using a flash takes more effort. You have to dial in your ISO and subject distance to calculate both the intensity of the flash and aperture setting. The mechanical timing is such that you are locked into 1/60th of a second with the flash as well.

I built a light-box out of a cardboard box from work, trash bags, and tape. I lit the sides and top with 500 watt halogen work lights. I clocked the temp on them at over 350 degrees Fahrenheit after I was done shooting. The DSLR I was using to capture this was set to auto white balance and the pictures were very warm. Luckily, I shoot in RAW so a quick edit took care of that. I am digging the light-box and I am sure I will use it again even if it is a pain to get out the lights and extension cords.

Kabobs – Photo 52 Project [Week 13]

Lucky week 13 brought with it delicious Dirty Martini Beef Sirloin Kabobs. Mari Ann had just started her Pinterest Challenge and this was the first dish. The beef was marinated in gin, oil, lemon juice, and a bunch of other yummy things. These were really tasty, and a great start to the month of unhealthy living that April is sure to bring.

I used the 50mm Canon prime lens for this one. I believe the vice photo was the only other photo that I used the prime on during this project. Lighting is a tricky skill. I was using the built in flash as well as a remote flash off to the side. I may have to look more seriously at building a light box to get the quality of photos I would like.