Springtime – Photo 52 Project [Week 12]

Spring is here and not a moment too soon! Gone are the cold, blustery days of winter and today brings with it new life, longer days, and green where there was once only brown. I took advantage of the beautiful day to venture out onto the Sangamon Valley Bike Trail. Unfortunately, I didn’t bring my bike out today, so I had to walk it instead. That turned out to be for the better, though. I was able to slow down and take in the sights and sounds of nature everywhere around me. I felt so close to nature I could almost feel it soaking through my clothes.

Wind Machine – Photo 52 Project [Week 11]

Work took me to Chicago and I was able to do some picture taking. The sky was stark white and I was concerned about getting any good building shots.

This machine is actually a wind turbine called helix wind. This contraption was mounted on the corner of a building downtown. There were forecasted 17mph winds when I took this and only the top turbines were spinning. It would seem these are doing a better job of looking cool than actually generating a lot of energy.

Derby – Photo 52 Project [Week 10]

I have been cutting these deadlines too close. I took this picture on Monday night and I am posting it Wednesday. Mari Ann is the head NSO (non-skating official) for the Springfield roller derby teams. She was out NSOing and invited Jesse and I to come out. I had not done any photography in the past week and needed a subject. The weather had been poor and that took away my fallback of a sunset or astral body.

I have seen a lot of women’s roller derby but this was the first time I saw the new men’s league. While they are less attractive to look at, they do hit harder and that is always entertaining. I have to admit that I made a noob mistake while I was packing up and left Jesse’s flash at the rink. Luckily, someone found it and I will be able to get in on Monday.