Smashing Pumpkins Concert in Chicago

On Friday, my brother and I went to a Smashing Pumpkins / Marilyn Manson concert in Chicago at the FirstMerit Bank Pavilion. I was there for the Pumpkins and Marilyn Manson was just part of the deal. Manson went on first. Actually, a guy who referred to himself as the, “go get your beer” performer went first and he was not great and had far more anger than actual talent. Manson put on a pretty good show and played all of the expected hits.

The second picture in the gallery above show a little girl at the show. She was with her parents right in front of me and this was not a show fit for a little girl to see. Nevertheless, I don’t think she was scarred for life or anything. Between the constant aroma of weed, Manson explicitly describing how he would defile an audience member, and the opening act yelling, “Cunt” over an over again, I think she had a fun and new experience. I was taken to see Pulp Fiction by my parents at the age of 10 and I really enjoyed the movie and don’t think it affected me negative at all. The parents of the girl would constantly make eye contact when something inappropriate would happen and I realized my parents used to do the same thing.

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When Billy (The Smashing Pumpkins) came out I was really excited to see a band I had been listening to for so long in my youth. The second song he played was Bullet with Butterfly wings and that really set the tone the rest of the performance. Toward the end he played an acoustic version of Disarm followed by a cover of Landslide. This was a great combo to break up a rock show and I really enjoyed that. After one of their songs, Jim Cornelison (sings at Blackhawks games) came out and did the National Anthem, then immediately after, the band came in with guitar. It was an unexpected sight to see.

Labradorite Pendant


I went and made another pendant this weekend. I have lots of women in my life that have requested custom jewelry, so I figured I better get on it! I have lots of silver, a few gems, and just a bit of gold laying around and so I no longer have excuses not to make something. I made this using all the techniques I learned in my class but I did my own design instead of copying off of a design my teacher, Poppy, made. I am going to give it to my Mom but my girlfriend spent yesterday wearing it and does not want to part with it. I have a square piece of labradorite picked out for her in due time.

This is made of silver and just a little bit of gold wrapping the solder joints around the silver wire loops. It’s not perfect and I see every flaw when I look at it, but it is only my 3rd price of custom jewelry. I learned how to bezel fit a pear shaped stone so that was cool I guess. Ever onward!


I have my first dog as an adult. I have been looking for a Labradoodle for what seems like a decade. Actually, I was more, “Keeping an eye out for one” rather than active searching. Last weekend my spontaneous girlfriend brought one home!

She and my brother were on a trip out of town for a winery tour and I was home alone for the weekend, or at least Friday and Saturday. On Saturday, Katie told me that they had stopped on the way and put a deposit down on a dog. I only 10% believed her. She really enjoys trolling people and in this case she was the girl who cried wolf.

I went our for brunch with my parents on Sunday and my girlfriend and brother beat me home. I was ready to give them shit about the dog being there when a cute little doodle came walking toward me in the hallway. My immediate thought was that she borrowed the dog from a friend to trick me. It soon sunk in that the dog was ours, and my life had changed just a little bit.